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$ 0.00 USD
Free plan for all users
  • Relationship & Task Management
  • Opportunity Management
  • Office & Google Integration
  • Dashboards & Analytics
  • Digital & Phone Support
$ 30.00 USD
For users who learn more
  • Relationship & Task Management
  • Opportunity Management
  • Office & Google Integration
  • Dashboards & Analytics
  • Digital & Phone Support
  • More Features
$ 128.00 USD
Marketing Team
Your entire team in one place
  • Relationship & Task Management
  • Opportunity Management
  • Office & Google Integration
  • Dashboards & Analytics
  • Digital & Phone Support
Version history
Developer handoff
Unlimited viewers

Every plan includes

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Your first 14 days are free
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No credit card required
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No maximum API calls
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Pay only for what you use
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Billed by the second, prepaid
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Email support
People Describing a project in front of a Laptop

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from our fans.

“Brem has really helped us reduced our operation cost by whooping 35% annually. Which we could nver have achived if it was not Infonux helping us achieving  it. “
Arman mallik
Co-founder Dairy Milk
“Brem has really helped us reduced our operation cost by whooping 35% annually. Which we could nver have achived if it was not Infonux helping us achieving  it. “
Arman mallik
Co-founder Dairy Milk
“Brem has really helped us reduced our operation cost by whooping 25% annually. Which we could nver have achived if it was not Infonux helping us achieving  it. “
Arman mallik
Co-founder Dairy Milk
“Infotox has really helped us reduced our operation cost by whooping 35% annually. Which we could never have archived if it was not Infotox helping us achieving  it. “
Arman mallik
Co-founder Dairy Milk
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Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Contact us here so we can help.

Do you offer plans with different limits?
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Unlike all those fancy SaaS web design agencies, we focus on fresh visuals, highlighting your brand's USP while crafting a top-notch persona for your B2B SaaS business.With our call, you directly get on a call with our founder. You get hands-on unbiased guidance to your business to operate it successfully in the call, which is unique to us only. So, don't lose the chance!
Do you offer plans with different limits?
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Unlike all those fancy SaaS web design agencies, we focus on fresh visuals, highlighting your brand's USP while crafting a top-notch persona for your B2B SaaS business.With our call, you directly get on a call with our founder. You get hands-on unbiased guidance to your business to operate it successfully in the call, which is unique to us only. So, don't lose the chance!
Do you offer plans with different limits?
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Unlike all those fancy SaaS web design agencies, we focus on fresh visuals, highlighting your brand's USP while crafting a top-notch persona for your B2B SaaS business.With our call, you directly get on a call with our founder. You get hands-on unbiased guidance to your business to operate it successfully in the call, which is unique to us only. So, don't lose the chance!
Do you offer plans with different limits?
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Unlike all those fancy SaaS web design agencies, we focus on fresh visuals, highlighting your brand's USP while crafting a top-notch persona for your B2B SaaS business.With our call, you directly get on a call with our founder. You get hands-on unbiased guidance to your business to operate it successfully in the call, which is unique to us only. So, don't lose the chance!
Do you offer plans with different limits?
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Unlike all those fancy SaaS web design agencies, we focus on fresh visuals, highlighting your brand's USP while crafting a top-notch persona for your B2B SaaS business.With our call, you directly get on a call with our founder. You get hands-on unbiased guidance to your business to operate it successfully in the call, which is unique to us only. So, don't lose the chance!
Do you offer plans with different limits?
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Unlike all those fancy SaaS web design agencies, we focus on fresh visuals, highlighting your brand's USP while crafting a top-notch persona for your B2B SaaS business.With our call, you directly get on a call with our founder. You get hands-on unbiased guidance to your business to operate it successfully in the call, which is unique to us only. So, don't lose the chance!

Let’s see Bream in action all for free!

Recruit, manage and track your brand ambassador, influencer and affiliate marketing program success with up to 5x ROI.